Whether their role is behind an office desk or staring into the face of human traffickers on the frontlines, Destiny Rescue’s female staff share the same heart for children, finding purpose in seeing girls free, heal and glow.

Winona, our social worker in the Philippines, is one of many women in our team across the globe motivated to help rescue child victims of trafficking.

“We were able to save them from the things that they shouldn’t have to experience as a child, and should be enjoying their youth,” she says.

Once a girl is out of this crisis, Winona likes to visit and see them recovering. “[Survivors thanked] me that they were rescued and realized that they were in need of rescuing.”

More like her
Winona isn’t alone in enjoying the front-row seat of a survivor’s recovery.

Roselin, another one of our social workers in the Philippines, said the most “rewarding moments” are when she sees a survivor transform and they offer their appreciation.

[Survivors tell] us how thankful they are … every time we visited them,” she says

Roselin started work at our organization as a part-time social worker. This role cemented her decision to work for our team in a full-time capacity. “[I wanted] to acquire knowledge and skills in assisting survivors of trafficking.”

On top of these skills, Roselin uses her gender as an “advantage” in her job. It has helped her “build rapport with the rescued survivors of trafficking and know how to respond to their needs and concerns”.

The female factor
This ‘advantage’ is also being used by a few of our border agents in Nepal.

Dressed in blue uniforms, border agents stand at one of 15 border stations around the nation. They interview travelers to find victims of trafficking typically being baited to travel abroad after being promised a false love, job or shopping spree by traffickers.

Destiny Rescue border agent Hadara said being a woman allowed her to empathize with girl survivors in Nepal. “It is so easy for me to counsel them,” she said.

Hadara, who joined our team because human trafficking is a “prolific, heinous” crime, said finding, rescuing and counseling survivors motivates her in her role.

I have a heart to stop human trafficking and save many Nepali sisters’ lives.”

Bani and Farida, fellow border agents, said being women allowed them to resonate with girl survivors too. Bani – who decided to put on the blue uniform to “help women” and serve her community – said it was “easier for me to counsel them”.

Asked what motivated them in their role, the two women said they were inspired by watching recently-rescued survivors be reunited with their families.

Love from afar
Having a tender heart for children isn’t exclusive to female staff in our organization’s rescue nations, but for those in our funding nations too.

Jill McBain, Destiny Rescue director of people and culture in the United States, joined our team in 2019 after being “shocked” to learn about child sex trafficking in Southeast Asia about ten years ago. Thus, “God stirred my heart to do something,” she said.

After several years, Mcbain met our team in the United States. After becoming “impressed” by our team’s fight against the crisis, she knew she had to join in some way. “I don’t know what your organization needs, but I want to help,” she recalled telling our chief executive.

The rest was history. “God fulfilled my desire to do something,” she said.

Mcbain, who is a mother, remains driven in her role by wanting her children and those in developing countries to grow up in a world free from sexual exploitation.

My hope for the children we serve is the same for my children at home. I pray that the world around them would grow kinder, safer, and more free each day,” she said.

“I often see my children through the eyes and stories of those rescued and restored.”

In a similar conviction to Mcbain, Eva, our chief financial officer in the United States, said she was “thrilled” to join our team because she wanted to do “something more meaningful than just earning a paycheck”.

Eva has worked with us for 12 years, beginning her time in Cambodia and continuing with our organization in the United States. She is motivated by being able to “finish things with excellence,” and knowing her work has purpose beyond herself.

She said the most rewarding moment in her role was when her team miraculously received money needed during a “tight season”.

“Driving home one evening, I prayed that God would provide, and I asked Him for what seemed like a hugely improbable gift. The next day, we received a check for that exact amount,” Eva said.

Seeing God work in such amazing ways is so exciting.”

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