One young girl had a dream of becoming a nurse, but after her parents couldn’t afford to send her to school anymore, she had to look for a job away from home. Tragically, she was deceived and forced into the sex industry until…

Jayla was a bright young girl dreaming of one day working as a nurse and being able to support her family. Sadly, these hopes were shattered when her parents told her they could no longer afford to send her to school, and she needed to find work to support her family.

Reluctantly, she left her remote hill tribe village and headed to the city. But being from a marginalized ethnic group, Jayla soon felt discriminated against, and because she was a poor, uneducated girl, she found getting a decent paying job was difficult. After a few false starts, she thought she had finally found a good job working in a karaoke bar serving drinks. Tragically, she found herself on a slippery slope of lost innocence as she was coerced from just serving drinks to sitting with customers. It continued to progress to where she was forced to let men touch her inappropriately, and eventually the pimp prostituted her to paying clients. Despite the abuse, Jayla endured each night, and somehow found the strength to go to school during the day in the hope of one day reaching her dreams.

Then one night, she sat with some men that she expected to be like every other customer she had sat with so many times before. But, it wasn’t long before she noticed these men were different. Instead of trying to abuse her, our rescue agents were there to offer her a way out, which she embraced with both hands and a big smile.

For a little over a year, Jayla has been living in a Destiny Rescue residential home, where she gets to experience the unconditional love of God and be healed of her past abuse. She has also had the opportunity to complete her studies and has gone on to finish a university course to become a nurse’s assistant!

Because of the efforts of Destiny Rescue to help set children free from the sex-trade and offer them a chance to fulfill their God-given destinies, Jayla has succeeded at the dream in her heart. She just recently found a full-time job working in a large Thai hospital and will proudly send home money each month to support her family.

Jayla, we are so proud of you!

*Names and some details have been changed to protect the security and privacy of the victims

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